This is the old 110 vac shore power access point. Very old, brittle and ugly. Originally, the extension cord that tied into the small breaker box, would feed through this, and go out to the power source. When you were done using the cord, and wanted to stow it, you pushed it back through this plastic piece, and it just layed in between the inner bulkhead and the back plastic. I chose instead, to cut most of the extension cord off, and leave enough to wire in a permanent plug that you could just plug the cord into.
Here are the pieces laid out. The most time-consuming part was taking the little square of 1/8 aluminum plate, and marking/ drilling/ rounding edges. The aluminum plate is approximately 4 inches x 4 inches. I used the original plastic piece to mark the mounting hole locations, so I would not have to drill new ones.
Here it is mounted. I ran a bead of RTV sealant behind the plate, to keep water from getting in. The original metal tabs that the screws went through, were kept, but instead, I used 8/32 stainless screws. They tightened down quite nicely, despite not being a coarse-head screw, which was originally used. I used my palm sander with some 120 grit sand disks, to make a textured finish, as opposed to polishing it up.